Monday, May 18, 2015

Doing What I Never Thought Possible

A few weeks ago, one of my fellow coaches started a Curb to 5k group for beginner runners.  I had signed up for a 5k to benefit Miracles for Molly and figured I might as well get started.  I am not a runner.  My standard line has always been "I only run when chased".  I've sprained my ankles numerous times and I have arthritis in my knees so I've never even tried to run.

Here's a little back story on me.  Back when I was 12 or 13, I started having pain in my knees playing volleyball.  I was diagnosed with tendonitis but soon started having other joint issues.  I was diagnosed with arthritis and then benign hyper mobility joint syndrome.  You can read more about BHJS here.  I'm very flexible & was told that I may need artificial joints when I got older.  I was told to stop doing all sports except for swimming.  And so began my slow decent into weight gain and non activity.

I've been working out, cardio & strength, for a while now.  The park where my son has soccer practice has a .75 mile track.  Everything starts with the decision to try.  And here's what happened...

Talk about a high!!!

The following week I did 2 miles!  I kept up with my 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and ran twice a week at the park during my son's soccer practice.  Our group was 1.5 miles the first week, 2 the second, 2.5 the third and finally 3 miles.  One gorgeous day after my son went to afternoon kindergarten, I went to the park.  And I did it.

2 days later, during soccer practice I did it again.  I was running in the Delaware Charity Challenge 5k that Saturday.

Saturday May 2 at Lums Pond, I ran with my friends in the Delaware Charity Challenge.  It was an incredible experience!  It was over the river and through the woods.  The only part I didn't run with up a hill.  

2 weeks later, I ran another one.  My best friend asked if I'd do the Preston's March for Energy 5k about 3 days before it was going to happen.  Without a second thought I said yes!  She has a goal of going 1 5k per month and I LOVE that goal.  I've found that running with a big group of people pushes me to keep going.  It's easy to stop when you're by yourself but when everyone else is running you want to keep up!

We ran half an walked half.  The best thing about doing this with your BFF who isn't a die hard, time obsessed runner, is that you CAN just walk & talk without the kids around for a little and then you both SPRINT to the finish line.  We finished at 46 minutes.  My previous time was 43 minutes.  But I don't really care about those times.  I ran 2 5k's in 2 weeks!  ME!  I DID IT!

If you're looking to get into a healthier lifestyle, shoot me a message!  Whether it's healthy eating or working out, I can help you get started.

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